By Monty Van Horn
Friday, June 14, 2024

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It has been a little over a month since our last blog update and boy have we been busy! All of the following updates have been harvested from our fellow subscribers... If you have any questions about subscribing to Christian Cycling - Texas, contact Monty at [email protected]

From Ryan Schmidt (Cedar Park/Austin) He rode the Spontaneous century - his first Bagel ride. He stated that it sure beats slopping around in the mud at Xterra Waco. Ryan also sent a big thanks for the pulls from Humberto Leandro & Gordon Ramsey. 

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From Jim Boland (Farmersville) - In May, Jim represented Christian Cycling-Texas with a First Place at Bentonville Gravel Race 30 miles!! Jim looked good standing on the box! As he stated though, "All glory to "Him," Amen?

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Congratulations again Jim!

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From Art (LittleElm/North Dallas): We are very blessed to have been able to participate in the 16th annual Head For The Hills bike rally.  This ride is put on and benefits the Cedar Hill Rotary and TRI-NOW. Head For The Hills is a first rally for some of our new members and it did not disappoint.  The volunteer staff was awesome as well as the after ride party.  

During the Cedar Hill Ride, Art provided some electrolytes along with other goodies. Quite a few folks sent their thanks on the facebook group. (Awesome job little brother!)

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Art and Jimmy at the tent

Also From Art - We are very blessed to have been able to participate in the 23rd annual Burleson Honey Bike Tour for His Kingdom and for His Glory!  This rally benefits the Burleson Chamber of Commence and the City of Burleson. Please join me in congratulating and shoutout to Ana Kim for completing her first bicycle rally and making the BTX Honey Bike Tour her inaugural rally!  She conquered the elevations went the distance!  Great job again sister - we are very proud of you!  Joining us on this ride are our FB group members Rick Chandler, the Sparks (Bridgette & Jerry), Rueben (not on FB) and Rafael Diaz de Leon.  I arrived late and finish last so I missed alot of our members like Thomas McMonigle and others.  Also was great to see our NTC brothers and sister Scott Stanley, Kurtis Register, and Kathy Gardner.  I hope to see y"all in the next one.

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Art, Bridgette and Jerry

From Jack and Rease (Gatesville) May 18th - While Rease and I were riding earlier, he had a brake failure on a short down hill stretch. He was unable to turn through the curve and hit the curb. He and the bike went into the long grass of the lot. He is ok. After disconnecting his feet from the pedals, we right his trike and we walked both bikes back to the house. (Great job and praise God that Rease is okay. Rease- way to get back in the saddle after your crash little buddy!)

(From Monty) The weather has wreaked havoc on some of the rides this past month. Quite a few of us was registered to go to the Ride of Honor and the Tour de Norway. Both were canceled due to fooding rain. The following was an update (forgot who I harvested from) in relationship to Tour de Norway...

After TXDOT took out their main road to all their routes in 2023, the  Bosque Tour De Norway, part of the European Tour of Texas Challenge - Bike Rides had to cancel their ride.  I have been working with them on reconfiguring their routes for the 2024 event, including an all-hands-on-deck meeting with Event, Chamber, City, County and TXDOT officials two weeks ago. We all felt like we had a good plan for the ride.

Then the rains came. LOTS of rain. So much rain that all roads into and out of Clifton were flooded. As flood waters receded, the underlying damage was revealed. While many of the roads we planned to ride on were damaged, the worst part was a bridge on the County Road used in all the routes was washed out.  Paige Key, the ride director for the Bosque Tour De Norway will be offering registered riders 3 options: refund, credit for 2025 or donate your registration fee to the event to help them "weather the storm".  If you are part of the European Tour of Texas Challenge - Bike Rides, be watching for an email from me about the ride cancelation.

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It is amazing what mother nature can do!

From Robert Gonzales (Woodway/Waco) This year I participated in Project Hero Ride 2 Recovery Texas Challenge. In total we rode 377 miles in 6 days. I am fundraising to do the California Challenge in October. This ride will be one week after my completion of Ironman 70.3 in Waco. In order to attend this ride I need to raise at least 1000.00. Please consider donating to this event. The money raised will go towards helping veterans overcome obstacles they may face. As a disabled veteran myself I know the struggles they face first hand. Thank you for your support.

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Congratulations brother!

Also from Robert- Yesterday I rode the Gatesville Fire Ant tour. Last year I did the 49 mile route in 3 hours and 53 minutes. This year I decided to ride the 61 mile route and did it in 4 hours and 1 minute. Last year when I did this ride it was the first time that I had ever participated in a ride. I stopped multiple times to walk up a hill that was tough. That hill is about 7 miles from the end. This year I did not stop at all except pee, to fill up water bottles, and grab a snack. This ride is tough for Texas standards, it was hilly and hot. But I’m super proud of myself for completing it and for getting quicker. Riding has become a passion of mine. It helps my mental state as well as making me stronger and healthier. I hope to continue this passion as long as the Good Lord will let me. (Amen brother! Keep shining your light for Jesus!)

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LouAnn Campbell (Tyler) did some riding on her own this past month. One ride that caught my attention was over 41 miles with an average speed of over 14 MPH and elevation of nearly 1,800 feet! (Great job sister! Looking forward to meeting you at the Tour de Italy)

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From Monty - This was my second year as the event coordinator for the annual Fire Ant Tour in Gatesville Texas. I am humbled that the Exchange Club wants me to do the 2025 event as well. It is also special that I get to see quite a few of the Christian Cycling - Texas members at this event! Below is a picture of some of the Area Representatives from Texas that participated in the event.

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The Gatesville Some of the Christian Cycling - Texas folks that attended the 28th Annual Fire Ant Tour. L/R- Dustin (Belton), Art (Little Elm/Dallas), Drew (Houston), Monty (Gatesville), Nick (Harker Heights).  

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Alan Trammell (Linsay Area Rep) knocked out the 61 milers quick! 

When we get out there and show the love of Christ, people notice. There are even times when someone publically shines a spot light on us for showing that love. The following is from Scott Stanley of the North Texas Cycling group. This group if riders has a huge following on their Facebook group page (over 8K). Scott did a really nice write up and I got permission to harvest his article.....

From Scott: 25 May - Hope everyone had a great time and a great ride at the Burleson Honey Tour. Thanks for coming by our North Texas Cycling setup. Hearing our fellow cyclists sharing their ride stories, talking and laughing together makes this oh so rewarding!

Now on to our story.

There were a few of us left at the rally after we took everything down and were packing it away, when we saw and heard several Police vehicles using their horns/sirens coming towards the finish line. Then we saw Art Garcesa on his bike riding among them. My first thought was, "oh no Art is being pursued in a slow speed Police chase". Just kidding, and actually Art was flying.  These were the fine men and women of the Burleson Police Department who did intersection control at the major intersections, doing a swept for the last cyclist. No cyclists left behind! It was neat to see, and talking with a few of the officers, such really great people!

Now lets talk about Art. First of all when he wants to go fast, he can. I've seen his data on long training rides, the brother can go, with 19mph speed averages.  What makes him special is he is one of the best ambassadors in the endurance road cycling community. He enjoys the social aspects of cycling and will stop at most of the rest stops not really because he needs to, but he really enjoys meeting, talking to and encouraging our fellow cyclists! He will know their names, all about them before he is off to the next rest stop, it's fantastic!

We all do these events for different reasons, for many of our fellow cyclists it might be their first event, or first season of doing these. When they realize with the interactions they have with Art or with folks like yourself, before, during, or after their ride, they realize what a great community of people this is. It gives them a feel good neat connection with their fellow man and woman! These rally's can be, well are challenging whether you are a top tier athlete or a more causal cyclists. What we have noticed is

What we have noticed is that from all levels of fitness and skills on the bike, we all support each other.

North Texas Cycling is not myself or Kurtis, and the other great folks involved, but we certainly appreciate the kind words and support. North Texas Cycling is YOU awesome folks, YOU make cycling great! We just provide a home base away home when we setup at rally's, and provide a positive platform online to connect and learn from your fellow cyclists, even find folks to ride with.

Make it a great week coming up! Keep good and healing thoughts for the folks in North Texas and Oklahoma that were hit with tornadoes Saturday evening.

We look forward to seeing you at the Tour d'Italia in Italy, Texas in June!

(Scott also participated in the Fire Ant Tour but I didn't get a picture. Thanks for all you do Scott)

Last one from Art Yesterday - June 8th: Gatesville, TX at the FireAnt Tour

Christian Cycling - Texas is blessed to have been able to sponsor, participate, and support the 28th FireAnt Tour in Gatesville. We consider this rally as our home turf and ride which benefits the Exchange Club of Gatesville. Our spoke director, Pastor Monty Van Horn has been the ride director for the past 2 years and has made great improvements. The ride was very successful and we would like to thank the Exchange Club of Gatesville and all of the volunteers for their hard work and support. 

Christian Cycling - Texas members working behind the scene were Randal & Rebekah McDonald (first and last rest stop), Jack & Reese Thompson (SAG support), Dustin & Deana Connell (Start/Finish line coordination and support), Tammy (Monty's better half) and Ethan Van Horn, Nick and Doraine Chirco (Start/Finish line support), and many more folks. 

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L/R- Jerry, Bridgette, Art, Ethan and Tammy

Monty Van Horn