By Monty Van Horn
Tuesday, September 06, 2022

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Ethan and I started out on our short trek on the 5th of September at 0900 hours. This was originally a scheduled trip for the local members to all enjoy but plans got changed. Our first stop was just two miles down the road at the local Burger King for a quick breakfast. Three locals were very inquisitive about the bicycles. The first question was whether or not they were electric and then how far can you go on a charge etc… They were all surprised that we were going to the local state park which was twenty miles away. Another man asked my about the ChristianCycling organization. I told him a little bit about us and gave him my contact information. I also told him about the Texas Spoke Facebook page.  I love wearing our gear whenever I am out on the bike, it is great advertisement! We arrived in about two hours and Tammy was pulling through the gate at the same time that I was checking us in. She had brought us some hot pizza and cold drinks! That was the only “supported” part of the bike packing trip and it was a treat to say the least. After a short visit, Tammy headed back home. Ethan and I changed into some other clothes and hit the trails. We checked out all the attractions of the local park in a two-mile loop. While we were at the cave, Sherry let me know that she had arrived to the park but was going to head home since she didn’t have her dog leash. I sure wish we hadn’t missed her. Sherry was originally supposed to have ridden on the trip with us but injured her shoulder in a bike accident. Shortly after we returned to camp, Jack and Rease dropped in to visit. Jack is looking to purchase his bike in another month or two but just had to come on out and see the setup. At about dark, Ethan and I called it a day and crawled on top of our sleeping bags. It was still pretty warm at 83 degrees but steadily cooling off. On the 6th, I had some coffee, ate a pop tart and took a shower before getting Ethan up. We took our time but was still on the road, heading back home at 0900 hours. I know others are looking forward to doing this and I am looking forward to the next trip myself! If you are interested in looking at photos of the trek check out the photo album here.

Monty Van Horn