I want to say again, that I thank God everyday for the servants that he has brought to the Texas Spoke! Ya'll are awesome! You will notice, in the following posts, that we spend money a couple times a month if not every weekend during the summer. All the "free" items given out everytime the tent(s) is set up at an event. We are real close to having a virtual "riding" event on Run signup that will bring in much needed money for not only the "freebies" at the hospitality tents but other supplies far all the different areas in Texas! I will be posting the event on all social media as well as sending out a mass email to all subscribers when we go live. Go bless ya'll and keep on shining your lights for Jesus.
25 March sent in from Alan Trammell our Lindsay area rep
Ordered and received in about 600 Christian Cycling bottles for the Germanfest in Muenster. I am praying and believing that the Holy Spirit prepares the hearts of everyone of the riders that receives a bottle at the event this year! These "freebies" make a huge impact on the lost and also draw in other servants to subscribe. This is what is making the Texas Spoke grow like it does!! I praise God for all the servants that shine their lighst for the Lord Jesus Christ!
Cool looking bottles for the event this year
I just pray that I can be as active as Alan when I reach his age! Keep killing it brother and always keep the rubber down
22 March posted by Art Garcesa Little Elm Rep
We had a very blessed day at White Rock Lake today. Our North Texas Cycling family joined us for the 1st spring training session and we had an awesome time! I would like to thank David Bridgewater for the food! We were also joined by Gregg Cockrell who is our new Area Rep in Granbury. Welcome brother! We also ran into David Brookins and his son but we were too slow to keep up with them. We also ran into Thomas McMonigle and his friend Scott who were working on distance training but I forgot to take a pic with them.
We will be planning on hosting a rides on March 29th and April 5th before the rally season goes into full swing. Soli Deo Gloria!
They had a great turnout!
Greggory Cockrell received his welcome packet!!
14 March posted by Jim Boland Farmersville Area rep
On the fourth Saturday of April (April 26, 2025), everyone is invited us to join us for at the Chaparral Trail Head at The Onion Shed in Downtown Farmersville to Celebrate Trails Day starting at 9AM with a ribbon cutting.
I am on the board for Farmersville Parks and Recreation Dept so Bonnie and I will be setting up our Christian Cycling-Texas tent to assist with the event.
This annual springtime celebration encourages people to experience the joy and impact of America’s trails. Celebrate Trails Day is a national moment, powered by local participation, that grows public appreciation and support for trails.
Bring your bike, hiking shoes, pets and friends.
9 March Fellowship Ride Gatesville Area
At 1300 we had our first monthly Christian Cycling - Texas Gatesville area fellowship ride. It was chilly but we still had six riders hit the road for a 7.5 mile round trip to Pruitts. Art Garcesa has donated a bike for Allie to ride but the maiden voyage will have to wait. The bike was stuck in one gear. But no worries, Allie rode on Moses (My Checkpoint). Allie was so excited about our group that she subscribed before heading home after the ride! Welcome to the Texas spoke sister!!
8 March Beast of the Backroads in Longview Texas
This morning we got up at 0500. We arrived at the Beast Of The Backroads event and Art Garcesa was there with his smile on. Tammy Estes Van Horn and I helped him finish set up and Margie Estes Bellomy was bringing the donuts and coffee. Derrick Daniels joined us as well and we enjoyed visiting.
We assisted Pat, Diana and Pat putting up their EZ-up. They were providing information for the upcoming Tour de Cypress ride. I got flyers for their event for the Gatesville Fire Ant Tour and will be sending them ours.
We had many ask about the organization. Gregg Cockrell was very inquisitive and visited with us after he knocked out the 26 mile route. He is praying about subscribing!
A little Dachshund named Doc decided to visit folks. He couldn't quit kissing Margie! The pictures tell it all. The owner was called and ecstaticthat the little fur baby was okay. He came and picked up Doc. Facebook Photos here
Art brought a bike for Allie Dunning, a lady rider from Gatesville. Jack Carmicheal Thompson is picking up pedals today so we can get her ride ready after church tomorrow.
Randy Wells told me the event will be on the 14th of March next year. We are looking forward to it. Derrick will be bringing a generator next year and we will have at least one tent. We gave out 6 dozen donuts and 30 cups of coffee.
After the race, Tammy, Margie and I went to Jucys for a burger. The drive home was in the rain on and off. Ethan VanHorn sent us text anxious for us to get home. We missed our buddy.
Christian Cycling Texas served coffee, donnuts and smiles in the rain
22 February 2025 from Jim Boland
Jim represented our Brothers and Sisters of Christian Cycling-Texas at Renegade Rambler 2025 Gravel Race Farmersville, TX. February 22.The temperature was at 29 degrees at the start! But Coach Bonnie Boland said, at least it's sunny. (LOL) (Thankful for Christian Cycling jacket.)
We would like to also welcome Coach Bonnie Boland as one of our newest subscribers AND as our National Treasurer! God bless you sister.
15 February 2025 from Art Garcesa
We moved our Saturday rides to White Rock Lake and had a great time today! Big thanks to David Bridgewater for bringing food. Thank you to Gerald Bolin and Bertha, Thomas McMonigle, Scotty BRez (Scott), Forrest Wonderly, and Idelfonso Valentin Acosta Jr. (The Fonz). We later met up with Maria Alejandra Muñoz and Steve. We are very blessed.
13 February post on Hardin Simons facebook. This is totally awesome and is another reason Christian Cycling Texas keeps growing. It is the servants hearts of the members that make things like this happen!
It that cool or what? Check out Hardin-Simmons Cycling.