By Monty Van Horn
Monday, July 15, 2024

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This is a monthly update on our blog of SOME of the activities we have been participating in for the last thirty or so days. As you will see, we are a busy bust group of Christian cyclists shining our lights all over. Praise the King!

If you are a subscriber and would like to make it to the blog just post it on our Facebook group page! I'll harvest it most of the time but it doesn't hurt to make sure I have seen it too. LOL. I am always excited to post what all subscribers are doing, especially when wearing their Christian Cycling gear.

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10 June me and the wife on a short ride. We satopped at the local Subway to eat on our way back.

On the 15th of June, we had folks riding at the Tour d’Italia. This is a really nice event and Christian Cycling – Texas had a Holy Ghost showing for sure! I personally was excited because I was going to meet LouAnn and Armando in person! But, it just wasn’t meant to be and BOTH of them were among the one thousand plus riders and we never met. I hung around the hospitality tent hoping that they would come by but our schedules just didn’t work out. I was surprised to get to meet Todd Lightner in person! Todd has been a subscriber for some time and is our Midlothian area representative. He said he will be moving soon so I hope he is able to recruit a new area rep prior to leaving.

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Some of the folks after the ride.....

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Jack, Ethan, Rease and Tammy on the shortest route. We had folks on every route at this event!

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Art, Armando, Cooper and Ezekiel

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Cooper, Art, Pepe, Todd and Thomas

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While we were all riding at the Tour d'Italy Steve Philipchuk was riding in the Juneteenth in Frisco Texas. 

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Tammy, Ethan and I headed to Indiana for vacation on the 21st of June and we took our Bicycles with us. On the evening of the 22nd we arrived in Otterbein Indiana. The next morning I learned that Art had gone down at the Ride to Remember in Dallas, Texas! 

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After (Still smiling!)

From Art (23rd June) - Hello Everyone!

I would like to thank you all for the outpouring of love and support.  I feel very blessed to be a member of this family.   I had several visitors today and would like to thank Jerry, Bertha, Mike, JC,  Maria, and Thomas for stopping by and checking in on me.  Detective Ray Dominguez the president of the Dallas Police Cycling Team also stopped by to see me.  I am overwhelmed by His love as well as yours. I have surgery tomorrow to fix my left collar bone and expected to be out for 6-8 weeks.  I may not be on the saddle in that time frame but I will be on the sidelines cheering you on.  Thank you all  again and God bless.

On the 23rd of June, Tammy and I rode 30 miles round trip to my baby sister and back. Then on the 27th, we rode to Attica which was just over 40 miles round trip. 

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On the 4th of July we had riders out shining their lights in different places also...

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Jim Boland 4 July My annual 4th of July Chaparral Trail Bike Ride, NETT, Farmersville, TX

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Drew Walters (Houston) 4 July Nice warm morning for a road ride . Happy independence day. God bless! 

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Jack and Rease at Spokes and Sparlers on the 4th.

From Jack Thompson 4 July Spokes and Sparklers. Woke up at 400am with a steaming cup of coffee, ready to shine our light for God at Spokes and Sparklers!! Teddy Bruski arrived at 430am and we talked over coffee. After coffee we loaded the truck, took a photo and jumped in Leroy (My Truck). We arrived in crawford at Towanka Falls at 645am and walked to look at the falls. God's creation is stunning!! While looking at the fall I noticed the man from Bear Mountain unloading the van so I jumped in assisted him. As Rease and I prepared to ride Ted Bruski found a shadded spot with his Ham Radio to transmitt while we rode. The start of this beautiful route was at 8am, and away we went!! What a great ride it was too!! After the ride, we received our Hot Dog plate, soda and cool t-shirts. We ran into our Christian Cycling Brother Robert Gonzales Jr., great to see you brother. Robert introduced us to his friend and triathlon teamate, Troy. Great to meet Troy. And being that close to the falls, I could resist a dip in the cool water!! Great Blessed Day!!

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Robert, Troy and Jack (after the ride)

From Art at Peach Pedal (13 July) Yesterday - July 13th:  Weatherford, TX at the 36th Annual Peach Pedal Bike Ride.

We are very blessed to have been able to set up at the start and finish line at the Peach Pedal Bike Ride yesterday.  This is our first year to do a setup at Peach Pedal but have attended the last 3 years.  We have had the honor to setup next to our brothers and sisters at North Texas Cycling and also next CMA Weatherford (Christian Motorcyclist Association) who were handing out frozen ice pops to riders coming in to the finish line.

The Peach Pedal Bike Ride is one of the largest fundraising events for the United Way of Parker County, TX and all money raised helps to provide support for families and individuals that need help. They also provide assistance to the following non-profits: CASA, Children’s Advocacy Center, Child Protective Services Board, Center of Hope, Freedom House, Hearts Full of Love, MANNA, Parker County Committee on Aging, Sanctified Hope for Women and Stars & Strides Therapeutic Riding.

We had a great time providing over 15 gallons of water and 4 gallons of Gatorade along with Gatorade packets to riders coming in to the finish line on a very hot course.  We ran out of both towards the end and plan to bring more next year!

As always, it was great to see our brothers and sisters from North Texas Cycling.  We feel very blessed to have had their help and support the past several years.  In attendance and riding are Fabian Broncano, Armando Dejesus, Michael Keel, Thomas McMonigle, Lupita Cortes, Scott Stanley, Gerald Bolin, Bora Bolin, Chad Meis,

Kathy Gardner, Mark and Anny Kim, Jimmy (not on FB) and many other folks!

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This was a real big surprise for me. The Christian Motorcyclists Association holds a special place in my heart as I used to ride with them! I cut my spiritual teeth on the CMA many many years ago. I think it was cool that they were at a cycling event. One of the folks at the tent told Art that they knew who I was. Wish I could have been there. Our whole family was registered and I was going to get to meet Armando in person! BUT, I stayed home taking care of Tammy. Art picked up our event packets so thats cool.

Well, thats it for this past month and that is only SOME of the riding and shining that we have done. If you are interested in riding for Jesus then come join us! God bless

Monty Van Horn